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Eli Mev

Santo Domingo - República Dominicana

Número de obras:14
Lecturas de sus textos:1746
Votaciones recibidas:220
Obras que ha votado:50

The year i borned United States officially established diplomatic relations with Russia; It opens the Cartoon Network animated chain by Turner Broadcasting; And it was declared the International Year of space. I want to conquer myself, and Sauvez le monde l'art. I'm guionist, writer, dreamer (Specially) and a student of advertising, Performing Arts, and digital animation.
Isn't the plnet beautiful?
I'm all the things God and i say about me.

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Interesado por: Cuento corto / relato breve, Novela en un sentido amplio, Novela de género (negra, histórica, ciencia ficción, entretenimiento…), Biografía / autobiografía / diario / géneros íntimos / cartas, literatura personal, Guión de cine o TV / Videojuego

Autores o libros favoritos: Gabriel García M., George Lucas, Edgar Allan Poe.

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