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Madrid - España

Número de obras:13
Lecturas de sus textos:3752
Votaciones recibidas:83
Obras que ha votado:44

Not the least adornment of the chronicle is the delicacy of pictorial detail: a latticed gallery; a painted ceiling; a pretty plaything stranded among the forget-me-nots of a brook; butterflies and butterfly orchids in the margin of the romance; a misty view descried from marble steps; a doe at gaze in the ancestral park; and much, much more.

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Interesado por: Me interesa la literatura en un sentido amplio, sin predilección de género

Autores o libros favoritos: Ballester, Benet, Biely, Coover, Faulkner, Felisberto, Ferlosio, Gadda, Gaddis, Kafka, Lamborghini, Libertella, Lowry, Nabokov, O'Brien, Pessoa, Pynchon, Rulfo, Saunders, Vollmann, Wallace, W. Carlos

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