It also manages to migrate to the Fullness of Being forever. To know how to take advantage of our existence to infinity.
Who were the first emigrants?
The members of the oldest Civilization. But what was it? Some scholars consider that we find it in Gilgamesh’s poem when studying Sumer. Others think that it is much earlier when there was no way to write stories with words; only the forms of living beings were in caves without being able to write. Let us remember the Altamira caves and many more.
The cult of the Mother Goddess expressed the feeling that the fertility that was transforming human life was frightened. Her name was Inanna in ancient Sumer, Ishtar in Babylon, Anat in Canaan, Isis in Egypt, and Aphrodite in Greece.
In the 17th century BC, the Aryans of what is now Iran had invaded the Indus Valley and subdued the indigenous population. They had imposed their religious ideas, which we find expressed in the collection of writings known as Rig-Veda.
The Vedas religion did not attempt to explain the origins of life or to give free answers to philosophical questions. Instead, it designed to help people come to terms with the wonder and terror of existence. The rekindled interest in karma, the notion that one’s actions determine destiny, made people not want to blame the gods for the irresponsible behavior of human beings.
Hindus and Buddhists sought new ways to transcend the gods, to go beyond them. During the eight centuries before CE, the sages began to address these issues in treatises called the Aranyakas and the Upanishads, collectively known as Vedanta: the end of the Vedas.
In the Vedic religion, people had expressed a sacred power in the sacrificial ritual. They had called this holy power Brahman. The priestly caste (known as Brahmins) also believed to possess this power. The entire world is seen as the divine activity that springs from the mysterious «Being of Brahman.» which was the inner meaning of all existence. The Upanishads encouraged people to cultivate a sense of Brahman in all things.
True liberation means liberation of the individual soul from the cycle of births and deaths, from the sense of duality and separation, and union with Brahman, the Supreme Soul. Will our Life Transcend to the Fullness of Being and Exist?
The person who started Genesis, the first book of the Bible, is known as a wandering chief who had put his Mesopotamian people in the Mediterranean. The stories about Abraham in the book of Genesis show him serving the king of Sodom as a mercenary and describe his frequent conflicts with the authorities of Canaan.
Abram, who will later be renamed Abraham («Father of a Multitude»), is sent by Yahweh to leave his family in Haran, in what is now eastern Turkey, and migrate to Canaan near the Mediterranean Sea. His father, Terah, a pagan, had already migrated west with his family since Ur. Now Yahweh tells Abraham that he has a unique destiny: He will be the father of a powerful nation that one day will be more numerous than the stars in heaven, and his descendants will make the land of Canaan their own. But who is Yahweh? Most likely, it was He, the High God of Canaan. The deity presented to Abraham as El Shaddai (The One on the Mountain), which was one of the titles
traditional of El. Elsewhere called El Elyon (the highest God) or El de Betel. The name of the high Canaanite God preserved in Jewish names like Isra-El or Ishma-El. This type of divine appearance, known as an epiphany, was quite common in the pagan world of antiquity.
Around 610, an Arab merchant from the thriving city of Mecca in Hijaz had an experience that was strangely like his. Every year, Muhammad Ibn Abdallah, a member of the Quraysh Mecca tribe, used to take his family to Mount Hira, just outside the city, for a spiritual retreat during the month of Ramadan.
This reflection was a common practice among the Arabs of the peninsula. Muhammad would have spent time praying to the High God of the Arabs and distributing food and alms to the poor who came to visit him during this holy period. The Lord blesses those who seek the Truth with a sincere heart. The idea expressed in all the sacred books. The above respectful study can help us find the best way to migrate to have a transcendent life, to reach the fullness of being and existing, where there is no matter, space or time, but Wholeness of life, in whom experience gave us. (Jehovah, God, Allah, Brahma) It is an invitation to awaken our Consciousness so that each one dares to think to find the Truth. I analyze with total respect, common sense, and valid documents, the best way to try to help humanity unite, decrease violence, and increase the knowledge of our responsibility by conviction rather than by laws or threats. Download without proselytizing and with all respect these reflections at no cost from the Internet, my father´s book «Sacred Coincidences.» Please download, print, copy, and sell. Profit is for promotor. The site is It suggests understanding that for Nature and Life to exist, the Universe had to make first. This fact moves us to know the value of life is of the Universe, and take care and respect of it always.
Managing to migrate to the Fullness of Being and Existing forever in «Who gave us Life,» is facilitated by remembering that nothing that is changing, such as money, power, and pleasure, will accompany us on our last journey. Only our noble deeds and our respect for Nature and the Cosmos, for the love of God, will always be with us. We will be able to take advantage of our lives forever in «Who gave life to us» and have the world in Peace, with Health and Love. It is the inheritance that no one will be able to take from our daughters.