The pioneering scientist in theoretical physics from Ecuador

The pioneering scientist in theoretical physics from Ecuador

Donato Benincasa


Donato Benincasa has stood out for being a pioneer scientist in theoretical physics in Ecuador. Through social networks and digital platforms, he promotes science, where he has addressed topics such as robotics, mechatronics, bionics, electronics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cybersecurity, quantum computing, nuclear medicine and artificial intelligence to do scientific research.

He states that theoretical physics contributes to obtaining information to make equations, laws, hypotheses, theories and experiments. It is even used to create businesses, generate jobs and design vaccines, cures and treatments for diseases existing on planet Earth, with the clear objective of saving millions of human lives every day.

The pioneering scientific projects in Ecuador that he has developed use theories of physics, such as string theory, superstring theory, M theory, loop quantum gravity theory, grand unification theory, Einstein’s theory of relativity, quantum mechanics and the standard model of particle physics. From there, he analyzes how nature, planet Earth and the universe work.

He adds that, within his projects, through scientific dissemination, he encourages children, adolescents, young people and people of any age to learn about interesting topics in theoretical physics, astrophysics and cosmology such as black holes, wormholes, white holes, the Higgs boson, white dwarfs, black dwarfs, dark matter and quarks.

The scientific research in theoretical physics that he has developed in Ecuador has been recognized worldwide. In the dissemination of mathematics, he uses innovation to create initiatives that improve the daily lives of human beings and constantly uses topics such as: The problem of P versus NP, Hodge conjecture, Poincaré conjecture, Riemann hypothesis, Yang-Mills theory, Navier-Stokes equations and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture.

With his initiatives to promote theoretical physics in Ecuador, he is working with national and international media, where he has been in various places in the country such as the Cotopaxi volcano, Cayambe, Mindo, the Monument to the Middle of the World and the Amazon region.

He frequently visits schools, colleges, universities, laboratories, companies and the media to present his pioneering scientific projects related to theoretical physics, astrophysics and cosmology.

He also mentions that the use of technological tools and media is important to promote research and the generation of projects for development in the country, since he considers Ecuador to be a scientific power.

He recalls that the advice he provides is for the benefit of the entire Ecuadorian community, so interested people can find him on their social networks with his name and request his services.

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