I was lying in my bed like every single night before going to sleep. I was just thinking, thinking about those inner thoughts you get at the middle of the night, more specifically about a dream, a dream that have been following me a couple of nights before. I was looking at my toes, I had pink socks, the ones my sister had given to me the year before she died… my eyes went slowly towards the window and it was a bit open, so air could enter while I listened to the rain and some lightning that were lighting the room from time to time. I was alone in my room and the only light was an old lamp on the side of my bed, which it could barely manage to light part of the room. I looked up at the ceiling wall and I put my hands in front of the old lamp and started making shapes with the light. Suddenly, a sound like nails scratching the wood of the door began to sound, I turned my head to see what it was. I stood up and the sound stopped, I proceed to open the door. I breathed a sigh of relief, it was my dog who after I opened the door walked in and lay down on the carpet under my bed, so I looked back at the window, which was now closed.

My parents had left for a party 5 hours ago it was already too late. I was tired of waiting for them, so I tried to sleep, my dog was still lying on the carpet and we had this habit that when I could not sleep I always lowered my hand and he licked it until I fell asleep, so I did…

Later in the night, after a few hours, I was awakened by a very particular sound plub!, plub!, plub!, I did not know where the sound came from, I turned down and saw that my dog was no longer there, plub !, plub !, the sound were like drops of water and I do not know where they came from. I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom on the cold floor and turned on the light.

My dog was hanging from the shower, his belly was wide open and covered in blood the same that was making the sound of drops in my bathroom, and with that same blood there was a message written in the mirror.

«Not only dogs can lick»

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