Application of the Singapore – ICT Method to optimize the teaching of third grade of secondary school at the CDCJ. Investments DCJ EIRL

Application of the Singapore – ICT Method to optimize the teaching of third grade of secondary school at the CDCJ. Investments DCJ EIRL

Ctkd Guerrero



Objective: Propose the use of the Singapore Method - ICT to optimize the teaching of the third grade of secondary school in the CDCJ. Inversiones DCJ EIRL, Materials and Methods: The research project is of a descriptive type, in a short time it can be applied, because it proposes to solve the problem of deficiencies in the achievement of teaching - learning as a goal of MINEDU, for this the Singapore Method – ICT in the third grade of Divino Corazón de Jesús High School. Being an innovative investigation, with a quantitative approach, the data from the observation guide and other tools have been collected and analyzed, thanks to this, aspects related to the variables have been determined. The research is of an explanatory level since the proposed design shows the adequate use of ICT with the Singapore method in the third grade of the Colegio Divino Corazón de Jesús.
It is Quasi-Experimental (pre-experimental) because a sample of 25 third grade high school students from Colegio Divino Corazón de Jesús was collected, evaluated and analyzed, who could be virtually monitored "Remote Education". The technique used in the study was the survey, with the questionnaire as an instrument, which allowed the collection of information on the variables.
Results: The students of the third year of high school of the Colegio Divino Corazón de Jesús must handle the information, in such a way that they know how to modify, store, manage it, transmit it using their face, whatsapp and know that they must be careful when looking for information, enter reputable, reliable pages. The answer to question two shows that 44.00% completely agree that the application of the Singapore Method - ICT, will encourage Teamwork at Colegio Divino Corazón de Jesús, Huacho.
Conclusion: The application of the Singapore method in the teaching of Mathematics to the third grade of Divino Corazón de Jesús secondary school is feasible, since the students of said Educational Institution have access to and manage information technologies and live the values ​​defined in the Curricular Program such as: equity, charity and creativity.

Keywords: Singapore Method, teaching, high school student.

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