Obras Independientes

Obras con la etiqueta: english

I'm sorry for my usual audience, but I had to prove I'm worth of something that I prepared to. Couldn't die without actually say something. Disculpenme mi audiencia usual, pero de verdad queria hablar ingles, y como se que hay muchos bilingües en el mundo hispano, no me parecio inadecuado hacerlo por aqui.
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Another tale of how a group of stalkers trying to survive in the Zone. English version of my story Deja Vu, which you can read in Spanish here: https://clubdeescritura.com/obra/2443642/d-e-j-a-v-u/
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Now I am getting older again, some of my stones ache, my roots has not the same strength, and on some occasions my view sees no changes into canvas. Swoon from the feelings corrupted by the light of my absence, that murky day when you leave, so far i was and so near i will...
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Nina Nava

My intensity never asked me for permission, never knocked on the door before tearing my chest. For whole nights this intensity devoured me, devoured all my poems. At high tide, insists on waking up memories, insists on bringing homesickness, insists on holding hands for anxiety. High tide,I drown in my own scream. As I draw...
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