My view of these days

My view of these days



Categoría:Alumno Curso:1º De la E.S.O

From the beginning of the crisis and especially since the state of alarm was declared in Spain, I was sure to be experiencing an extraordinary event. So, I set out to document this life-changing moment. After two months observing what is happening, I have seen that if this pandemic is doing something, it is making us think collectively and not just as individuals.

We have seen overwhelmed doctors who, without being clear how much they will charge at the end of the month or even when they will have this rhythm, continue to work 12-hour shifts without stopping. We see patients saying goodbye to their relatives by videoconference; friends who have lost their parents and whom we have not been able to hug; residences in which more than half of the elderly have died and all the staff who cared for them have been infected. We also noticed the shortage of material and the lack of coordination between the government and the communities. But we have also witnessed testimonies of a citizenry that has worked tirelessly, that has helped those in need: more united neighbors than ever. And, of course, a lot of life on the balconies.

We have observed around us. Honestly, I think that this quarantine has helped us in many ways, such as learning that when the world stays positive and we all try to do one same thing, without fighting, we can reach unimaginable things. If we´re going to get out of this quarantine, we are only going to do it together, as a team, where every tiny support count, and no one is left behind.

I would like to thank all the teachers who have adapted to the new circumstances, lending us their heart so that we can keep learning things, although it´s been difficult for us. Also, thanks to those parents who have been taking care of the rest instead of staying at home with their families, and also to the ones who have been putting up with us. So, thank you all for being so generous.

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